Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday / Thursday Conditioning, by Sandy

Here we are working out at the Y this morning -- led by our fearless leader, Joyce. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings many of the "Sole Sisters" gather at the Y for Joyce's conditioning class. Usually you leave with some part of your body quivering from exertion, but that's good, right?
The great thing about the class (in my opinion) is that it's different every time, and tortures (did I say that?) different parts of the body each time. I was feeling pretty dern good about myself and my running progress, until I started taking Joyce's class. I can run 6 miles, but can't squat? What is my problem? Well, the problem is, that without Joyce saying "8 more" and then another "8 more" and another and another ... I would simply stop at 16. (Why doesn't she just say "160! Let's GO!"? She's probably trying to avoid an all out mutiny where we all stomp out an head over the Dunkin' Donuts. That's what I think.)
The added bonus is that (believe it or not) a handful of Sole Sisters head out after the workout for a quick run. I know, you're thinking "that's crazy!" but really, it's not bad! If you're around on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m., join in. It's so much more fun to work out with friends. 


  1. Oh that's fun to have a picture from class. That would be me doing the exact opposite of everyone else during step.


  2. Don't feel too bad for yourself after yesterday's performance staying in your pilates V for hours on end -- WITH WEIGHTS! Sheesh.
